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FLI Trusses
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FLI Trusses Printer Friendly Version Printer Friendly Version

Roof Truss Table
Other depths and section sizes are available for all spans

Roof Truss Diagram
  1. Values in blue indicate ULS factored loads in kN per linear metre in accordance with BS5950.

  2. For all trusses in the above table, deflections are less than span/360 (Ref. BS5950).

  3. Table values are based on :-

       a) Top (compression) chord of the truss being     provided with adequate lateral restraints at     spacing not greater than 1.8 metres.

       b) The load is uniformly distributed along the     full horizontal span.

Please contact us for further information.


  Tel: + 44 (0) 1452 722200
Fax: + 44 (0) 1452 722244
Email:  postmaster@fli.co.uk