Francis & Lewis International Ltd (FLI) has been established for over 50 years and is a leader in the design and manufacture of towers, masts and poles, for Telecommunications, Radar and Meteorological applications, as well as the supply of associated accessories. We also design and install helical piled foundations, a rapid solution for your build. We design and manufacture construction products such a braces, trusses, bridges. We also produce bespoke designs for our customers. We are fully certified to ISO 9001, providing good quality design, manufacture, installation and survey services. All our manufacture is carried out by Lloyd’s certified welders, employing procedures to BS EN European standards.

FLI Works, M5 J12, Gloucester, UK FLI is part of the Haley Group, which specialises in steel structures, with manufacturing facilities in Gloucestershire & Somerset, making the group the largest manufacturer of towers in the UK.
In addition to domestic markets, we have installed our products in more than 100 countries across the globe, with upto half of our annual sales reaching export markets.
Other group factory, M5 J22, Somerset, UK FLI is committed to quality and customer care, with versatility in design and manufacture. We are able to offer structures for any situation, whether from our extensive range of standard products, or a bespoke solution for a specific requirement.
For a complete steelwork building solution, please visit our sister company William Haley Engineering. The Haley Group has been a family owned business since 1986.