Mobile | Radar & ATC | Wind | Broadband & Broadcast Lattice | Monopole | Boat Mast | Roof Top | Street Works | Temporary Mobile
Angle Towers Angle towers are one of the most economic solutions available. Manufactured automatically by state of the art CNC machines, they are extremely quick to produce. Made from individual bolted elements, these structures are ideal for hand build sites. When supplied piece small, a complete tower occupies a low volume, which makes this type of tower ideal for shipping.
Towers can be supplied to account for future extendibility both in height and additional users. Other benefits include easy inspection and maintenance as corrosion of any elements will be clearly visible and can be easily treated.
Product range: | ATS400: | Single user 15m – 50m (Railway approved) | ATS950: | 3-user 30m – 60m | ATS1250: | 4-user 15m – 35m | ATT850: | 2-user 10m – 30m | ATT1230: | 3-user 10m – 30m |
More Lattice Towers: Solid Rod Towers | Tubular Towers