Met mast requirements seem to be growing all the time. We have, therefore, designed the New MM 40 Meteorological Monitoring Tower, which has initially been deigned for a height of 70m. The structure of this met mast had to have a low solidity ratio as well as being a strong tall tower. We wanted to design one that would be "eddy friendly" and at the same time cost effective.
The met mast we have produced has been specifically engineered to suit the wind measuring application and also has the following advantages:-
- It is manufactured entirely from tubular elements resulting in "eddy free air flow".
- The ratio of steel to air has been reduced to the minimum requirements.
- The tower can accommodate a number of monitoring booms.
- It has been designed for a 52 m/s windspeed (suitable for most International waters).
- The MM40 has initially been designed for a height of 70m.
- A wire style fall-arrest system has been included to reduce drag.
Our met mast has been designed with the future in mind.
Met Mast Manufacture and Installation
Francis and Lewis have detailed this met mast in anticipation of a number of orders from wind developers. This means that once an order is placed, manufacture will be straightforward and can be achieved to your timescales. We are also able to offer an entire design / fabrication service including the monopile if required. Francis and Lewis International Ltd also design and manufacture guyed meteorological structures and solar cabins ideal for powering remote locations.
For further details about our met mast and other products, please click here
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