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For all enquires, please contact the Sales Team.

Sales Team

1. Sales & Marketing Manager - Will Haley
Email: w.haley@fli.co.uk
Qualification: BEng in civil & Structural Engineering
Experience: 7 years experience in engineering, sales & marketing.

3. Sales & Marketing Portugal – David Serra
Email: d.serra@fli.co.uk
Qualification: BEng in civil & Structural Engineering
Experience: 2 years experience in Structural Design, Sales and Marketing

4. Senior Estimator- Nick Goodman
Email: n.goodman@fli.co.uk
Experience: 17 years in sales estimating, 5 years within the telecommunications industry

Other Contacts

5. Sales - Telecoms and Braces -
Tony Parker
Email: t.parker@fli.co.uk

6. Sales - Rail - Jim Johnson
Email: j.johnson@fli.co.uk

7. Sales Portugal - Andre Gomes
Email: a.gomes@fli.co.uk

8. Managing Director - Bill Haley
Qualification: BSc., CEng, MICE
Experience: 35 years experience in structural engineering & 18 years as Managing Director of the Haley Group.

9. General Manager – Justine Garbutt
Email: j.garbutt@fli.co.uk
Qualification: MA(Hons)Oxon, EurIng, CEng, MICE, MIStructE
Experience: 17 years experience in construction & telecommunications.

10. Deputy General Manager – Andy James
Email: a.james@fli.co.uk
Qualification: Diploma in Manufacturing, various welding qualifications
Experience: 17 years in fabrication, site welding and tower installation.

  Tel: + 44 (0) 1452 722200
Fax: + 44 (0) 1452 722244
Email:  postmaster@fli.co.uk