This website contains a selection of data sheets which I've made use of and hopefully they will be of use to others.
Trev's Key Cutting A link to a website I've setup.
Also on facebook: Trev's Key Cutting - Facebook
Data Directories:
I've been working on and off on my Nicolet Impact 410 spectrometer, I've traced most of the circuitry and made repairs, I still need to align the moving diffraction grating that is used instead of the moving mirror in the Michelson interferometer as something appears to have moved resulting in it not being possible to adjust it to where it needs to be.
Some information about the spectrometer can be downloaded here:
Nicolet Impact 410 spectrometer
A Blog about what I've been up to
Some information that hopefully will help with the maths to pass the Amateur Radio License (UK):
Maths for the Foundation License
Maths for the Intermediate License
Maths for the Advanced License
The above information is based on the syllabus published on the RSGB Website
Latest Project:
World War II Spy Set (Paraset Clandestine Radio / Whaddon Mk VII)
Replica Paraset (as recieved):
Top View:

View of inside:

Traced Circuit:

Using Avo two panel valve tester to test for shorted pins on 6SK7 valve:

Using Avo two panel valve tester to read off ma/V on 6SK7 valve:

Using Avo two panel valve tester to measure insulation on 6SK7 valve:

A couple of FT-171-B Crystals to be used in Paraset:

The FT-171-B Crystals have 1/8" pins, so the 4mm sockets need replacing with a more original looking 1/8" crystal sockets
As these don't appear to be available I've made one:
Insulated terminal board used to make crystal socket:

Insulated terminal board cut up to make crystal socket along with a backing plate for extra strength:

Finished xtal socket:

Installed xtal socket:

3.520MHz crystal dismantled ready to straighten the bent pins so it can be plugged into socket on paraset:

Some vintage capacitors to be used in Paraset (after testing to make sure they are OK):

Transformer to be used in making PSU for paraset:

Paraset Data Directories:
Paraset Data
If you want to add to this resource or have any queries you can contact me at the email address: trev.g7pvs at