GM3WOJ   ZL1CT   Profile page

Chris Tran GM3WOJ holds Scotland’s first 50MHz DXCC (no. 219), and is a member of : RSGB, UKSMG, GM DX Group, North of Scotland Contest Group GM7V.  

The station is located near Inverness - Locator IO77WS - WAB NH77 Highland Region (Ross and Cromarty District) - IOTA EU-005     I was QRV as ZL1CT and ZL1V from January 2004 until December 2005.

I'm 54 years old, and live near Inverness in the North of Scotland. Pippa is my wife and Carrie is my daughter.

Below is a photo of me in my radio 'shack', taken in 2001

I love :  contesting, constructing amplifiers, DXing and playing with antennas !

I hate : nets, lists, the DX Cluster, operators who call with only 2 letters, ex-CB phrases like 'the personal here is...' and the selfish unfriendly operators who inhabit 3790-3800 kHz SSB !

Please also look at the 'Photos' page .....