GM3WOJ ZL1CT website - contents
Please click on any of these page titles :
PERSONAL - Photos, etc | RADIO - Operating/Logs/QSLs | RADIO - Technical |
Profile of Chris Tran GM3WOJ - including a photo taken in 2001 Updated May 2006 |
GD6IA CQ WW SSB 2002 - SOAB HP - 1st in Europe ! | Vintage transceivers -renovating a Collins KWM-2A, Hallicrafters SR-150, Drake TR-4C, Swan 350-C, National NCX-3, Yaesu FT-200, etc.. Updated January 2006 |
page - various digital photos - of friends, antennas etc..
Updated December 2006 |
Stewart Island Jan.2004 - the story and photos of my January 2004 DXpedition to OC-203 | Construction
of HF linear amplifiers - incl. photos of homebrew amplifiers
Updated November 2006 |
School reunion photos - photos from our July 2001 School reunion | Log-search - N3SL website - regularly updated online logs for GM3WOJ, ZL1CT, ZL1V etc.. All logs are also on ARRL 'Logbook of the World' | 50MHz
8877 amplifier notes - design/construction of a 6m amp., including info. from the reflector
Updated November 2006 |
QSL information - QSLing info. for ZL1CT, ZL1V, GM3WOJ, GS2MP, GM7V, and GZ7V | Rotator information - circuit diagrams (schematics) of some older antenna rotators Updated July 2006 |
Contesting - a series of 20 articles by me from the 'GM DX Group Digest' - lots of operating hints (Text only)
Updated August 2006 |
XP - Writelog LPT CW keying - fix for a particular XP Pro (SP1 only) - Writelog 10.47E - LPT1 CW keying problem | |
6m DXing - history of 50MHz, hints and tips about DX working - as seen from Scotland (Text only) | Lattice tower information - how to install, use and maintain a crank-up tilt-over tower. How to wire up a Versatower correctly. Tower photos. Updated May 2008 |
GB5CC 2003 - brief story and photos of Headquarters station GB5CC - March 2003 | Yagi antenna information - how to install and maintain some of the common HF yagi antennas. NEW - May 2008 - under construction |
GB5HQ 2003 - brief story and photos of GB5HQ 20m CW - July 2003 | Vintage circuits - circuit diagrams of various vintage pieces of military radio equipment. | |
Skimmer - my initial thoughts about CW Skimmer software
New - May 2008 |
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e-mail zl1ct <.at..>