The Kenwood TK-349T is a great radio! You can do things like selcall, DCS & CTCSS, and have enough room for every local UHF frequency you have! It is advertised all over the internet on bargain sites - but the thing about it is, there is very little information on the internet, and is very hard to find. I went ahead a bought one for daily radio monitoring and transmitting when I needed to. Here is some information: The Kenwood TK-349T comes with the unit, belt clip, 450 - 520mhz antenna, and a speaker/mic plug cover. It does not contain a battery, charger, programming cable, or programming software. However, getting these materials is well worth it! The following are specifications that I discovered while playing with the radio, as the manual does not supply specifications: Kenwood TK-349T 438 - 470 mhz 255 Channels* 5-tone Selective Calling 6 programmable keys 1.5 watts (low), 4 watts (high) KNB-6, KNB-7 Battery KSC-18, KSC-14, or a TK-340 Charger KPG-22 Programming Cable KPG-20D Programming Software * = Requires software changes, described below in 1.1 Contents 1.1 - How to get 255 channels 1.2 - How to change band split 1.3 - Various Settings 1.1 How to get 255 channels By default, the KPG-20D programming software sets 20 selcall addresses per channel - taking up a lot of memory! Most of us won't even use selcall - so go under "Setup Radio", scroll down to "Addresses per channel" and enter the value of "0". Above in the "Number of scan groups" parameter, this also must be "0". You channel capacity is now 255, instead of 114. 1.2 How to change the band split You can add about 10mhz and successfully recieve and transmit. You are capable of doing more, but the radio may not be capable of of recieving and transmitting in that range correctly. But, just for an example, lets go for 406mhz - 470mhz - when the radio is originally set for 438 - 470mhz. Before continuing, make a backup copy of your KPG-20d.msg file - just in case you make a mistake. Follow the following steps: 1. Open your HEX editor, if you do not have one, download BreakPoint's HEX Editor version 3.11, by click the following link: 2. Open your KPG-20d.msg file. 3. Locate this section the file: TK-349 T;0008;438..470 MHz;110;438000000;470000000; 4. Change the 438 to a 406 in both spots where I highlighted it in blue. 5. After you change the above, you should see this: TK-349 T;0008;406..470 MHz;110;406000000;470000000 6. Save your file as "KPG-20d.msg" where the "KPG-20d.exe" file is located, and close up the HEX editor. 7. Run the KPG-20d software - there you go! 1.3 Various Settings There are various settings in the KPG-20d that we never even heard of! Well, make sure your power is set to 4 watts (high), for maximum power output in General Parameters under "Startup power". Also, if you want to enter DPL and PL's, it is easiest to do that by going to "Basic level KPG-20D" and hitting F7. The SAT TX is the transmit D/PL and the SAT RX is the recieve D/PL. When you enter a CTCSS, it will convert it to the designator and when you enter a DCS, it will add a D to the beginning. It will still be the same in the radio, just looks different in the software. To change this, go to "Advanced parameters", go to Configuration, and change the "CTCSS selection" parameter to "Frequency". Notes: This modification was written by me and is not anothers work. Also, above in the instructions you may see quotation marks i.e "Frequency". This is just to show you that it is exactly what it is the quotes. Remove the quotes when actually entering it in your program.