README file for 5600x disassembly library, version 1.2 ======================================================= Before you start. ================= Both the code and this readme are quite old and it shows. If someone would be willing to improve either or all of: build system, library design (er, is there any?) or this doc -- please feel free. The project is now available on SourceForge ( What? ===== This archive contains source code of DSP5600x disassembly library. Examples of usage and test files are also included. Why? ==== The project was started because I needed a tool to help me explore the firmware of my DSP-featuring sound board. It evolved into ANSI-C link library that may be useful to someone, so I am releasing it with BSD-style license -- basically, you can do everything with it (including making money), just remember to give credit where it's due. For details see the source code. How? ==== As usual, I lack time to write big and nice doc file, but I hope that the API is simple and clear enough to make up for this. Let's see what you have to do to disassemble some 5600x code: 1. First you call two initialization functions in the library. This step is mandatory: make_masks(); make_masks2(); NO LONGER NEEDED - FUNCTIONS REMOVED You pass nothing and check for no results -- these functions are guaranteed to succeed. 2. Now you have to allocate memory for a structure that will be used for passing data to/from the library. You may do that on the stack struct disasm_data dis, *d = &dis; Yes, the pointer will be useful, too. The disasm_data structure is defined in 5600x_disasm.h file. Let's take a closer look: #define LINE_SIZE 256 struct disasm_data { unsigned char *memory; char line_buf[LINE_SIZE]; char *line_ptr; char words; }; First member -- "memory" -- should point to the opcode you want disassembled. IMPORTANT! The library expects it to be a 24-bit word, so if your assembler creates 32-bit words, you'll have to make a simple conversion. Take a look at d56.c to see how it is done. What's more, the library may wish to evaluate two words at a time, so you have to account for that -- this is also demonstrated in the example source. 3. After properly setting up disasm_data struct (i.e. "memory" pointer), you call following function: int disassemble_opcode(struct disasm_data *); This function takes pointer to the struct you've just prepared as an argument. When it returns, disasm_data struct's "line_buf" member contains the disassembled opcode as a string of ASCII characters. "line_ptr" should be of no interest to you (it is merely a internal variable) and "words" holds the number of 24-bit words you should advance your memory pointer by. This variable is also available as a return value of above function. Again, I shall refer you to the example source. 4. Repeat step 3 until you run out of code to disassemble. TESTING ======= First, check out the makefile and make sure it contains proper flags and defines for your architecture. Big endian users should add -DBIGENDIAN to CFLAGS (I'd appreciate if someone created Autoconf script to avoid such tricks). Following that, type make ./d56 example_dsp_binary and compare the output (visually) with example.a56 which is a source code I used to create example_dsp_binary and which contains all instructions and addressing modes described in DSP56000/DSP56001 Digital Signal Processor User's Manual. You can also 'diff' your output and supplied example.out file to check if there are any differences (there should be none). WARRANTIES ========== No way. I compiled and ran it under NetBSD/m68k 1.3, Irix 6.2, AmigaOS 3.0 and Linux/i386. It isn't very well optimized and badly needs some comments. Maybe in the future. Author ====== Miloslaw Smyk Email: WWW (way outdated):