ERAIO: Ericsson AllinOne \----------------------/ Version 0.95 by Darktelecom ( -> 1. What is Eraio and what is supposed to do ? -> 2. Current supported functions -> 3. Receive LATEST Version FREE allways (see conditions bellow) -> 4. Whats Next ? -> 5. *** How to use Eraio *** (NEW) -> 6. Known problems 1. Eraio is the short name for Ericsson AllinOne. The targed of this project is to deliver a full range of services for all Ericsson mobile phones all in one software. The number and kind of services offered by this software can grow as customers might need. To receive latest version see point 3. Eraio was made and the copyright belongs to Darktelecom. Please check my website for more news at 2. Eraio supports a large number of features. Latest released version until the current date offers the services marked with X. In addition you should also check Eraio page in which is constantly updated and offers you more. Im working in all other features and i wish to support them in a near future. If you know how to implement any of the missing functions, please email me ( 3xx 6xx/7xx 8xx A1018 T10/T18 T28 R320 R250 R310 2618s Enter Test X X X X X X X Exit Test X X X X X X Flash X X X X X X Net On X X X X X X X Net Off X X X X X X X Net Unlock X X Net Lock Phone Code Reset X X X X X X Eeprom Upload X X Eeprom Download X X X X X Decoded CODES nck,nsck,phone phone phone phone Welcome Message X X X X X X X Batch Job X X X X *Change IMEI X X X X >>>> Changing the IMEI doesnt correct the checksum, so dont use it yet !! 3. Im giving the LATEST version to all the guys who help me.. How can you help me ? Well, i need phones for tests. This include the following models: 2618s,R250,R310,T10,T28. I want to fully support them, so i need the phones. Send me one of the phones mentioned and you will receive Eraio for free. 4. Whats next ? Well that is up to you! Support me and i will support you ! I will work on more features and full support of all phones. Send comments and critics to I will not answer to stupid question like: "Can you give it to me for free? I dont have phones for you and i cannot help you of another way! I just want the software!" Guys, i have lost a lot of time developing this and other software and im not going to give it without having nothing in return. Thanks for understanding. 5. *** How to use Eraio *** .If you want to - change the welcome message - download/upload eeprom - turn on/off netmonitor - un/lock from SP - reset phone code - change IMEI - do a batch job You must first enter test mode by pressing "ENTER TEST" and then you should click the button of the function you want to do. When you are finished, press "EXIT TEST" to leave test mode. Then you can turn your phone on if you want to. .If you want to - flash phone and update the software You dont have to click "ENTER TEST". Just press "FLASH PHONE" and follow instructions. Eraio currently supports *.SHX (Motorola hex format) and *.SBN (Zulea ATRServ from files. Please note that some .SHX files are not correctly formated so Eraio can give some error while loading the flash file. This happens because some flash converters forget to insert a line in the end of a line containing "Sxxxxxxx" and then the .SHX stays with a line like "SxxxxxSxxxxxx" which will cause an error in the loading process. You can fix this by opening the .SHX file and when you find two lines in just one BIG line you should give an Enter before the second "Sxxxxxx". Maybe ill implement a way to fix the bad formatted .SHX files in the future. .If you want do - do a batch job Well this is implement only on A1018,T1x,T28 for now. After pressing the button "ENTER TEST", you can do a batch job. You can read an address of the EEPROM for example. To do that select "Read" in the listbox, write the address in the address box and the number of bytes you want to read (starting at the address you specified) writting that number in the count box. You can also write to an address of the EEPROM the same way. This time the number in the count box, if more than one, acts like a fill, so you can fill a range of addresses (starting at the address you specified and ending "count" bytes after) with the number of the "value box". You have another option that is "SWRITE" (special write). This time, the bytes being written to the EEPROM address specified have to be written in the "Dump/Special Window". The bytes have to be written in capitalised HEX format. Lets supose that you want to write to the address 0x0100 the following bytes FF 00 11 20. In this case you should enter in the "Dump/Special Window" FF001120 (hex format, no spaces). .If the phone doesnt enter test mode, or other strange thing Take the phone from the cable, take the battery off, put back the battery and reconnect to the cable. Retry now. If the problem is still there please check the power of the battery. You should use a battery full charged or you can get strange errors. 6. Known problems Well, sometimes when adding new features, coders also add new bugs. From my experience with Eraio ive faced with some problems, which might also appear to you. Some are my fault and some are not. Some might be: - related to enter Test Mode (specially in 8x8 phones) - related to flashing with SHX files (which can be fixed! read point 5) - phone doesnt turn on. Well, this wont almost for sure happen to you, but some guys screw up phone's eeprom. Most of the times, its impossible to update the eeprom by cable. Be carefull when changing eeprom contents by cable! The only way to fix this is by programming the eeprom manually. - possibly one or two more :) Darktelecom, October/2000