An Overview of Trojan's Alpha Plus Technology
What is Alpha Plus?
Alpha Plus crystals are part of Trojan's proprietary, high-density paste formulation.
Alpha exists as long needle-shaped crystals of lead dioxide (Pb02) which act together to form an interlocking 3-D structure.
Alpha Plus crystals posses great strength and low electrical resistance.
Alpha's strength and structure enhance Trojan's paste formulation, much as steel bars reinforce concrete.
How You Benefit From Alpha Plus Technology!
Its electrical properties and geometric pattern means:
Improved durability of the positive plate during use, thereby increasing cycle life.
Greater current flow (lower resistance), thereby increasing the battery's usable capacity (run time).
Spent particles of active material are trapped, thereby preventing shedding which leads to reduced battery life.
Alpha Plus is the key to long battery life.
Trojan's proprietary paste formulations and processes produce plates with the industry's highest alpha content.
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