Trojan Batteries
Bring Your Golf Game To Life | Go ahead and play 36.  Trojan Batteries   I still find it amazing that batteries of five years function as well as Trojan batteries do... Trojan batteries are the preferred choice for golf car owners. Manny Cass, Golf Car Owner, Florida
Golf and utility vehicles

More than 98% of America's top golf courses use Trojan Batteries in their fleets.* Why? Trojan invented the golf car battery back in 1952 and has been making superior products ever since. Check under the seat of an electric golf car and you're likely to see Trojan deep cycle batteries.

Golf and Utility Vehicle Products:

Built to deliver superior performance, durability and reliability, these batteries are Trojan's flagship line and can meet the challenges of the toughest, hilliest courses in the world.

  • Trojan's proprietary Maxguard® Advanced Design Separator and exclusive Alpha Plus® paste formulation team up to increase battery life, extend run time and decrease maintenance.
  • Durability, reliability and proven technology mean you can depend on Trojan batteries for consistent performance day in and day out.
  • Outstanding technical support is available on the phone or on the web.
  • Products are available through Trojan's worldwide network of Master Distributors

*Based on listings of top golf courses in Golf Digest, Golf Magazine and the US Open list of venues 1995-2010.

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