Trojan Batteries
Partnerships   With Trojan deep cycle batteries, I can rely on the fact our machines will run the whole shift, every shift, seven days a week. Scott Williams, Elite Janitorial Equipment Repair, Ca
Industry Alliances

Trojan Battery Company has alliances with industry association and organizations to stay focused on the regulations and trends that impact our customers. Below is a list of organizations by the market place they service:

BCI-Lead Acid Battery Info
Battery Council International

Floor Machine:
Building Service Contractors Association International (BSCAI)

Golf Course Superintendents Association of America (GCSAA)
PGA of America
Johns Golf Course

American Bass Association
American Sportfishing Association
Discover Boating
Seven Seas Cruising Association

Recreational Vehicles:
Family Motor Coaching Association
Good Sam Club

Renewable Energy:
Solar Electric Power Association (SEPA)
Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA)

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Proud Member of SEPA | Solar Electric Power Association